Sludgy Pink
The term SLUDGY PINK is a provisional thinking phrase for the conversations between myself (Emma Bolland) and the artist Gary Simmonds. We consider the processes of abstraction in our separate practices and ask questions of ourselves and of wider practices and ideas of abstraction. We share an interest in 20th Century British Modernism and use the absurd ‘materialness’ of the phrase SLUDGY PINK to think about alternative ways to consider and respond to the richness of modernist collections and archives held in regional museums—many acquired during periods when regional collections were funded and valued, and many are now under threat as some regional museums are now being closed and their collections have disappeared. In 2024, we will each have a piece of work on loan to the Graves Gallery, to be included in the rehang of their abstract collection in specific relation to works by Naum Gabo, Tess Jaray, Jean Spencer, and others.