
The Expanded Librarian

The Expanded Librarian: Text+Image relations in post-photographic contexts and literary environments is a research group devised by Beverley Carruthers (UAL) and Wiebke Leister (RCA), to investigate contemporary modes of collaborative image-text-production in collaboration with CRASSH at the University of Cambridge. Participants are divided into four sub-groups:

  1. Text+Image Migrations: translation, transcription, transformation
  2. Text+Image Remediations: intermediality, reproduction, intertextuality
  3. Text+Image Interpretations: (creative) mis-recognitions & mis-identifications
  4. Text+Image Automations: constructed & generated content

I am delighted to be part of group three, working with Jane Glennie (artist and independent scholar), Nicholas Lambouris (artist and assistant professor at Frederick University, Cyprus), and Wiebke Leister (artist and research tutor at the Royal College of Art).

The Expanded Librarian Group holds regular seminars with guest speakers, and will be having an exhibition and conference at CRASSH, University of Cambridge, in early 2024.